Fatini Aziz

My photo
a girl which is chasing a dream to be a famous fashion designer and and wedding planner someday. AMIN... i am very outgoing and love to laugh like pontianak. i try to be myself.


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone ! gosh lama gile tk update blog ni.... too many things that i want to share right here. about my new life, student life, living in hostel, my new friends, my roomates , my campus arghhhh macam2 la. first day i was here ofcourse there must be orentation la kan, almaklum la student baru la katakan. tkyh ckp la sengsara gile babe :( i feel like want to stop my studies ... normal la if she asked me to wear a cover (tudung) but.. dah lah on that time i just bought tudung sarung je then she asked to wear tudung bawal . weh !! where can i find it !! right here ? in perak ? alone ? without mama and papa ? seriously im death.. i dont know what to do until my roomate offer her tudung bawal for me. what the hell malu gile la kan dah la first day kenal masatu. so the orentation began ! we need to wear tudung bawal with 3 pin which is kne buat mcm tudung sekolah then pin 3 and baju kurung with track suit dkt dalam. gosh ! dah la perak ni panas .. mmg terseksa habis. dah mcm ape dah. then begitu la hari seterusnya but my roomate Lia is sooo nice and sweet she asked me to change tudung yg i pakai on that time just sb dah 2 hari i pakai tudung yg same. alolo meh kiss sikit lia :P Abg ijoy and abg airil selalu bahan before i move to perak nnti mesti i homesick teruk gile la nangis guling2 and all. hello now dah 2 weeks i dekat sini and everything goes well alhamdulillah. i meet new friends right here. most of them baik and friendly but ade la sikit yg hmm no comment. about my roomates, hm i have 3 roomates which is lia, tira and ifa. mulakan tira pergh muka sombong habis takut tau but dia okay :) inshaa Allah i will be okay , sesuaikan diri dekat sini and all. i really thank to Allah for all this things
TADAAAAA meet my new roomate lia DEBOM hahaha ! 

wish me luck ,

TADAAAA !!!!! a very big suprise !!!!! nilah dinamakan kalau ada rezeki takkan kemana kan. punya la frust menonggeng sb tk dpt attend first interview tuptup 2nd pun dpt. alhamdulillah :) i was very suprised weh on 9 sept i guess i got a message from uitm told me to open up their student portal page. actlly tak mengharap dah akan dapat sebab i heard a rumors "if pernah dpt and tolak takkan dpt dah" so isi balik for 2nd intake ni pun sb mama bising and i already bought MMU application form dah lengkap dah isi -.-'' tp tkthu lg kan mcm mne dpt or tak. i'm still confused nk lukis apa masa interview ni. dah la basic lukis tkde langsng. klau dia minta imbangan duga ke apa boleh la juga jwb ni hmmmm. gi mana niiii !!! 

tp kan if you noticed date interview mesti 15. haha compare kan offer letter ni dgn yg atas. anyway i will do my best even aku tk pandai melukis. just wish me luck okay guys xx

appointment makes me crazyy

today i went to hospital serdang for my hm i guess 6th time appointment with pakar. yeah it
relates to my alergic . for your infomation kali ni doctor yang check i cun woi. haha and so friendly so helpful . so many ideas and tips that she shared with me. i feel so comfortable to talk with her.
although i had to wait for a long time on that time my turn number is 1499 but the number being treated is 1200 something but i think it was well worth waiting for. but the bad news is :( JENG JENG JENG. i got new collection of medicine called deltasolone which is doctor tu cakap untuk surutkan bengkak masa alergic tu where the old remains... now my collections are Loratadine, Atarax , Paracil , deltasolone and calamine ape tah (lotion) . zzzzzzz so many drugs to be taken tomorrow.. so lazy la :( whatever it is aku sangat berpuas hati dengan layanan government hospital :)

semua salah google map

lanun frust menonggeng mmg macamni muka dia..

Hi Hi Hi , Hello Hello Hello ! on the 3rd Eid we had planned to attend kak long's friend open house which is she got the invitation through facebook. she said kawan masa dkt eygpt dlu. so i just follow her. bangun pagi woi mandi , gosok gigi semua. nak breakfast kak long ckp tkyah jpg kan nk g makan sb i bangun lewat. huihuii. dlm invitation tu ade maps dah CHENDERING , MELAWATI. she did asked a few of people semua nya tkthu yg cendering ade dkt melawati. so we all just search dia punya address dkt maps then start the journey la kan. takyah cerita la sesat meraban semua. masuk keluar pusing kiri belok kanan tk jumpa-2 rumah dia. dgn hati yg penuh ketabahan dan kesabaran kitaorg cari cari cari punya cari last last " lahhhh dkt area rumah ayah ngah ke!! asal tak bgthu awal-2 tkde la sesat mcmni zzzzzzz" then sampai kak long called la kwn dia nk tny number rumah but kawan dia tny kt mne semua . kak long ckp dah dkt taman permata 4 , then kawan dia gelak !!!!!! dia ckp dia buat open house tu dkt rumah nenek dia chendering which is dkt terengganu. woi woi aku lapar ! dah pukul 4 ni makan 1 ape tak dah mcm puasa ha. sepanjang  otw balik mmg perli bahan perli bahan perli kak long je. hahaha singgah la makan dkt sushi king mines sb dah kebulur sgt. herrhhhhhh lapar der masatuuu. terima kasih kepada kak long kerana membawa kami makan air-cond dlm kereta tu smpai ke melewati XD

kami makan ini untuk santapan "breakfast" 

sampai je dkt sushi penuh dgn pinggan sepah so ade 1 tempat je yg kosong and sebelah nigga -.- i was like okay sokay . then i saje la jarakkan tempat kiteorg tu dgn 2 org nigga tu . i biarkan 1 seat sebelah kosong, boleh plak dan dan si nigga yg wearing pink shirt bangun duduk sebelah aku o.0 . apahal plak ni? i was like okay sokay *enjak kerusi dkt kak long. around 3 minutes later dia say hi . i was like okay ni mmg tk boleh nk sokay dah, dlm hati "ignore tini ignore" nk makan pun tk senang . 3 kali dia say hi aku buat bodoh dia pun blah bayar bill. then aku buat the most stupid thing ever !!! aku keluarkan phone nk snap pic dia konon nk perli dkt twitter last last dia perasan then nk snap pict aku juga. what the FISH !!! terus pusing dpn tk berani dah nk 'tentang mata' dgn dia *tangan di dada mata pandang atas. WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY -.-''' so please you guys if dpt invitation mcm tu double confrm la . *trauma nk g mines dah :/


selamat hari raya

gmbar ni jela yg mampu. dah baju raya tk beli. hu hu hu 

Assalamualaikum kepada para hadirin yg sudi membace blog ini. haaaaa nampak tu puan sri fatini dah mulakan ceramahnyaa -.- . Ya allah seriously rasa sekejap sangat kite bepuasa rasa mcm baru smlm je bangun sahur dgn family (nmpk sgt menipunya ) tp seriously tahun ni rasa sekejap sgt puasa tk puas.. tp something weird gile preparation utk raya 1 ape pun tk buat lagi mmg tkde semangat nak raya , raya tahun ni rasa sunyi je tk semeriah tahun before-2 ni. tahun ni raya sgt sgt bersederhana. tkde mood nk raya weh.huuuu .. shopping dgn saidah buka main ha setiap minggu keluar shopping konon nak raya last-2 beli baju jeans jee . tp STEP UP REVOLUTION mmg terbaik la !! lg feel bile tgk 3D punya. feel dia perghhh menusuk dkt semua urat saraf kita tp dkt hujung urat saraf tu mcm tersekat sikit sb tgk movie without popcorn . almaklumla bulan puasakan. ehem ehem . haha , saidah saidah brader yg served kita dkt secret recipe tu comel kan XD *terbayang saat dia pulangkan balance yg tkseberapa dkt tgn aku . hahahaha. okay end. tp kan best tau malam raya g shopping kat alamanda tk seksa langsng ! and best je jalan sana sini tkyh nak kene beratur so on. okay just want to share share sikit la kan accident yg jd betul-2 dpn rumah nenek i dkt kelantan ade masuk berita semua tp aku thu ade juga yg tk tgk berita sebab sibuk nak online je -.- contohnya aku . HAR HAR HAR

one day before raya , arwah Maisarah Mohd Ali kalau tk silap nama dia yg aku thu dia drive jalan dkt kelantan kan straight je so dia TERmasuk line sebelah sikit then lori ais dari jalan bertentangan laju terus langgar seret jauh juga la. arwah dgn anak dia 2org umur 7 tahun sorg 4tahun sorg and anak buah dia. arwah anak dia 2 org meninggal juga tp anak buah terselamat cuma patah . arwah katanya otw balik rumah baru lepas hantar suami pergi airport sb nk fly pergi johor. mesti sedihkan husband dia thu hari raya hilang semua sekelip mata. ya allah cannot imagine la . semoga allah mencucuri rahmat buat arwah. Al-Fatihah (more info harus la bijak menggunakan google)

so to others yg balik beraya tu drive elok-2 ingt org yang tersayang. semperna raya ni aku nk hulurkan number 10 (mewakili 10 jari aku) dkt keyboard ni sb nk hulur tangan tu nampak benar menipu kan kan. nak minta maaf banyak-2 for all my wrong doings . klau ade post yg terover ke , perangai yg terlebih kegedik ke, tweet yg buat terasa hati ke. minta maaf banyak-2 ye semua. jemput la datang rumah beraya :D yang dah bekerja tu mohon duit raya dkt org yg tidak bekerja ni :( and SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR BATIN xx