Fatini Aziz

My photo
a girl which is chasing a dream to be a famous fashion designer and and wedding planner someday. AMIN... i am very outgoing and love to laugh like pontianak. i try to be myself.


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i really miss her . she playing outside and not return home . this is day 5 she did not come home too :(( i really miss her . 

Dear miki, 

  sorry if i always tap your head because you're biting my hand , believe my words i miss you and and if you return home aku janji aku bg kau gigit tgn aku smpai lebam :( balik la miki , i was sad, before i always cry near you and i will tell my problems to you but now ? you is gone , i want to cry to whom ? :'(( i really miss her ! i highly miss to sleep with you . lepas ni dah tkde sape nk teman aku tidur :((


ican said...

alaaaa, sedihnya kucing hilang :(
dah lah comel. haihh. macam mana boleh hiang ni?

fatini aziz said...

tu la . sedih oh dah la bulu dia cantik . haiyoo. ntah la kne curi kot masa dia keluar main :(